Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Love is my showercap

Warning! This post may be hazardous to the cootie-sensitive readers. Read with caution. ;-P

I have been married since July 23rd of 2010, just a little over a year and in that year I've been happier than ever, sadder than ever and more annoyed than ever. My husband is an amazingly patient man and, though he's several years older than me, he keeps me young. He's very playful and fun! On a bad day he's obnoxious and immature but mostly he's playful and fun. We didn't date for very long before we got hitched (hey, when ya know...ya know, right?) and after we were married it was still like dating but we got to go home together :) It still is that way but we've definitely passed the honeymoon period and when I realized this I was so sad. That new, exciting energy that had been sustaining us through the late night dates and early morning work was gone and replaced with responsibility, dishes and laundry. Our relationship was changing and still is.

And I am so glad.

Yeah, our relationship is different and not exciting in the 'we just met and I like you' kinda way but it's more exciting than ever in a 'I love what my life is with you in it and can't wait for more' kinda way. I loved dating Seth but I'm more infatuated and attracted to him as my husband than I ever was when he was my boyfriend. Which I didn't think was possible because the boy is FINE! It's like any doubts or insecurities I had while dating were completely replaced by this familiarity and closeness that I can't get enough of. His love, his love, his love... Is my drug. ;)

A couple of days ago I did my hair! Get your jaw off the keyboard and continue, thank you. Anyways, I didn't want to ruin my hair by showering, which I do everyday, so I was going to use my handy-dandy showercap! It's purple and has been one of my favorite purchases... EVER. But when we were first married I absolutely refused to use it if Seth was home. I would lock all doors and play no music so I could hear him if he came home. As much as I love my showercap I know I ain't exactly an award-winning beauty when I wear it and I was embarrassed. Obviously he knows I have it "No, baby, my hair is water repellant and is always instantly dry after I shower." Psh, right. He's seen me in it too, much to my chagrin, more and more the longer we've been married. So as we were talking yesterday I went to stuff the enormous amounts of hair I have into said showercap and he, still talking, helped me. Its sounds stupid, I know it does, but at that instant I missed dating no more. Marriage is so much better!
When a guy can hold a meaningful conversation with you whilst helping you stuff hair into a ridiculous, though useful, purple showercap... wouldn't you say that's love?
Yes, dating was fun. Fantastic even. And marriage is even better. Everything is so much... Deeper, more meaningful maybe? I don't know, really. Whatever it is, I thoroughly enjoy it. And I'm enjoying it while getting a full 8 hours of sleep too. :)

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