Anyways, I find I am particularly entertained whenever this adorable character comes onscreen:
Why do I like this age-ed turtle you ask? Is it his snarky sense of humor, his perfect comedic timing, the way he rests upside-down and you can't tell where is head is? NO!
Its because he looks like my Grandpa. Dead. Serious. My G-Pa likes to take his teeth out and smile just like Master Oogway does. He's a little less Zen-like and his timing is less spot-on and not nearly as comedic. But the old man ways are the same. I wonder if I could get him to dress up for Halloween.
My second favorite character is Po's dad. The duck? What a freaking funny duck! He is such a lovable character. Just as much as I'd like to hug Oogway and clip his Cuban-drug-dealer long pinkie nails, I'd like to sit in a small but crowded theater and throw money at Mr. Ping (the duck), who will have a glass of water on a stool and a microphone in hand.
I'm saying he could be a comedian. In case you didn't get it.
I think its the man who does his voice. James Hong. Some people just have a voice for comedy. They have been blessed with a voicebox that makes people chuckle.
This may have been a curse for some, like Jay Baruchel (Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon) whose voice, I'm convinced, would cause me to break out in shingles if it were in person. Don't get me wrong, I love the dude! The Sorcerer's Apprentice is one of my favorite movies! I just honestly think I would convulse if his voice was coming directly from his mouth to my ear without the intervening television set and cute cartoon character.
I have the same thing with Nicolas Cage, but with his face.
Back to the duck.
I love the ever hopeful look on his face, the vague but persistent jolly-ness, the briefest flashes of wariness and confusion. And the hat. Oh, the hat! I could blog about just the hat. I LOVE his hat. I want one to wear this winter and am seriously considering taking up knitting.
Its a hat posing as a bowl full of noodles. It is a HAT posing as a BOWL OF NOODLES. Can't you see the coolness? Why are these not being sold everywhere across the nation?? If somebody could make me a beanie like this- chopsticks and all- I would seriously wear it all the time. I LOVE it.
Yes, people would look at me weird all the time, yes, it probably isn't very warm or comfortable and yes, I am craving noodles all the time because of all these Asian movies I've been watching and YES, its probably impairing my judgement... But its a HAT posing as a BOWL OF NOODLES.
Its a HAT posing as a BOWL OF NOODLES.
Its a HAT
as a
Posing... as noodles...a HAT...bowl of NOODLES...posing.
Let the awesomeness reverberate through your mind.
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